SAT., JULY 3, 2021
9:30 AM
TROY, OHIO 45373
From I-75 take Exit 74 east on Rt 41, & then North on Elm at the Marathon Station.

ANTIQUE FURNITURE: Flame Mahogany Chippendale highboy chest standing on claw feet legs w/ 9 drws, scroll pediment top w/ urn & flame finials; Duncan Phyfe style game table w/ flip top & highly carved base; early carved pedestal base sewing stand w/ hidden drawer; Empire mahogany game table w/ serpentine edges and beaded decoration; classic Mahogany paw foot case, tall clock w/ Sun & Moon dial; Walnut Victorian bookcase secretary, w/ glass doors, slant front & carved decoration, approx. 108” tall; very nice dining table w/ ribbed column posts & flared legs w/boards & 6 velvet seat chairs, plus matching curved end buffet & china cabinet; corner & flat wall what-not stands; elegant decorator mirrors; gold gilded side chair; wonderful cherry 4 over 3 drawer bonnet chest w/ rope twisted half columns; walnut & oak commode stands in various styles; blind door stepback cupboard; balloon back str chairs w/ carved roses; kidney shape fireside bench; needlepoint & other footstools; oak spindle & curved back loveseat; organ stool; etc. PLUS: Vict sofa; wingback uph chair; side chair w/ ram’s head decoration & rope twist legs; oval back chr w/ rose carvings; uph tall back chr on stretcher base; small curved back uph chr; French traditional floral couch w/ tufted back; uph chaise w/ fringed base; gold velvet wood trimmed loveseat; kidney coffee table w/ ormulu and lift off tray; rose marble top claw feet coffee table; ornately carved small drop leaf stand; taupe rocker recliner; Early Am Hitchcock dropleaf dinette table w/4 stenciled chairs; round oak table & 4 chars; Cherry entertainment ctr; KS bed w/ arched headboard & acanthus leaf decoration; 2 styles of poster beds; pr of depression era sgl beds, armoire & dresser w/ mirror; cedar chest & wardrobe; mahogany, 1950’s, buffet & china cabinet; stretcher base dropleaf table; early walnut rocker; ladder-back rocker; 3 pc wicker porch set; metal porch glider; Troy Sunshade spring back chair & more! ARTWORK: Lg oil on canvas antique portrait of Rubens in gold gilded, swirl scroll frame w/ owner’s purchase info & research; A.A. Waters watercolor of English cottage scene; portrait of Beatrice Cenci in fancy gilded frame, plus 1857 book of her history by F.D. Guerrazzi; O.P. Minden winter woodlands scene, 30 other framed pictures & prints; PLUS Italian ceramic 30” long lying greyhound dog & blue ceramic cat. ANTIQUES, LIGHTING & MORE! Ansonia lg Royal Bonn case mantle clock w/ open escapement; small Seth Thomas china clock; cuckoo clock; cherub vanity clock; Plaster of Paris lady at well w/ clock tower; 2 pr of mantle lusters; Grecian urn 2 bulb table lamp w/ ring of classical figures; large deep red glass oil lamp w/brass base; frosted motif oil lamp converted w/frosted Egyptian facial stem & icicle prisms; crystal faceted table lamp w/ dome shade & icicle prisms; brass oil lamp w/ floral shade & others; 2 crystal table lamps w/tear drop prisms; pr of porcelain table lamps; Italian urn lamp; milk glass banquet style lamp; cherub metal banquet lamp; Jadite base floor lamp w/ twisted stem & floral shade, plus others; English pitcher & bowl; 3 pr of Staffordshire spaniels; quilt; 15 Oriental style rugs; brass & copper umbrella holder w/ lions’ heads; lg cast iron flower basket door stop; 2 floral decorated coal hods; sewing stand w/ swivel drw; painted castle wooden bowl; few books incl group on air navigation & 1922 AAA Green Book; Companion bookends; Stacy carved Indigo Bunting; etc.; GLASSWARE & CHINA: Pickle castors (6) incl blue, green & clear; Daisy & Button royal blue bride’s basket w/ holder & 1 in crystal dated 1883; orange art glass compote w/ floral relief on stem; Pigeon Blood puffy quilt biscuit jar; & others; castor set; mirror plateaus; cranberry opalescent Daisy & Fern cruet, cobalt faceted tall cruet, lg green cruet & others; cranberry sugar shaker; pinwheel cut glass pitcher & various tumblers; Crystal candlesticks, pattern glass & stemware; pr of purple slag & pr of end of day mantel vases; Bristol vases incl Mercury form; Northwood Chrysanthemum Sprig custard bowl; Noritake gold trimmed & scenic punch bowl on base w/ 12 stemmed cups; Copeland & Garrett “New Blanche” transfer ware tureen w/ ladle & underplate; HP china incl chocolate pots; Majolica birds on log planter, corn platter, etc.; Flow Blue; Luster Ware; Roseville Futura, 1928 Ostrich egg vase; Rogers flatware; Dresden & bisque figurines; Capidimonte items; selection of Oriental pottery wares; plus much more in this established collection; EVEN MORE: Costume jewelry incl 2 Isenberg large brooch pins; furs coats & stoles; hats & hat boxes; gloves; glasses; brass hall tree; Bennington shell spittoon; lg crock; Lima Packing lard tin; red Pyrex casserole; Hall circle teapot; Longaberger china; 4 oscillating fans; rug beaters; wooden ammo box; milk can; golf clubs; HH goods small power & hand tools; air compressor; smoker; turkey fryer & other garage items. FISHING: Over 30 like new spinning & baitcasting reels; dozen plus good rods; like new tackle of all kinds incl tackle boxes & variety of lures; filet knife set; new life jackets, waders, knee boots etc. NOTE: The variety & quality are evident when one reviews this auction. Take note of the period pieces, artwork, the variety of antiques, plus the fishing is outstanding. This Auciton is being Conducted in conjunction with Listing Auctioneer - Jerry Stichter.